Verdict in Trading of Influence and Extortion case

Verdict in Trading of Influence and Extortion case

On 4 August 2016, at the Basic Court of Ferizaj, a panel of two international and one local judge, found the defendant B.V. guilty and imposed an aggregate sentence of 4 years and six months imprisonment and a fine of €1,500.

On 8 December 2014 the defendant pleaded guilty on counts of Trading in Influence, Extortion as well as Unlawful Possession of Firearms. The trial panel also ordered the defendant to make restitution of the sum of 25 thousand Euros, which was extorted from a victim family, on or before 31 December 2017, otherwise a further term of imprisonment may be imposed.
The trial panel also extended the detention on remand until judgment becomes final, primarily because the defendant absconded from house arrest during the trial and had to be extradited from Germany.
The defendants co-accused in this case, S.M and A.M. remain at large and domestic and international orders for their arrests have been issued.